Post #1
On September 18,2012, Mr. Noschese posted on his class blog about Screencasting VPython programs. Mr. Noschese teaches a AP Physics C class made up of 15 students and assigns them to make a screencast and explain how it works and why for their VPython programs. He likes screencast because he can tell which students understand their assignments and which ones do not understand it.
On October 28,2012, I commented on his blog:
Mr. Noschese,
I am a student from The University of South Alabama in Mobile, Alabama. I am taking EDM310 and I have been assigned to comment on your post. I am going into Science education so I can see myself using some of your techniques. Technology has come along way since I was in high school. I am not a traditional college student!
Post #2
On October 10, 2012 Mr. Noschese posted on his blog about Metacognition Curriculum. He wanted to research how his student's mindsets work and how they learn. He had them fill out a questionnaire and then watch a video. Then the students had to get into groups and write down one thing that learned, one thing that they found surprising, and one question that they still had. Then he put them on an overhead and shared them with the whole class.
I posted on November 11,2012:
I am a student at The University of South Alabama taking EDM310. I have been assigned to follow your blog and comment on your post. I think it is great that you are getting these young students to think about their thinking process. I think that questionnaires are a great tool to learn about your students.