Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Project #13 Post Report

On project #13 we were assigned to get into groups and create a lesson plan, but we were not allowed to do this in person.  As a group we used Skype, texting, and google docs as a way to create our lesson plan.  Once the plan was made we met in person to make our video of our lesson.  I really like using google docs and will continue to use this in my future classroom.  I like that this allowed us to work on the project when we had the time available because getting four people together is not always easy.  This also allowed us more time to brain storm before we met to make our video.     

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Project #10, Final PLN Report

My PLN is always going to continue to grow as I meet more educators and follow them and as I am introduced to more sites.  I am always finding more interesting educators and their ideas are wonderful!  I am glad that I have created my PLN and I will continue to use it as I become a teacher.

C4T #4

Ms. Hadley is a middle school History teacher and posted on how foreign starting a PLN can be.  She mentions that she likes to communicate with other educators, but she does not like feeling so exposed.  She does find her PLN to be beneficial, but she expresses that it is not the same as talking to someone face to face.

I am a student as well in EDM310 at The University of South Alabama.  From the first day of EDM310 I have been out of my comfort zone.  I have learned a lot of technology that I can use in the classroom.  We have been exposed to so much that it is a bit overwhelming.  I feel like to much time can be put into technology and not enough into teaching. I really like your comment to Stacy.  I do not think that you could have said that any better "The best person with technology will never be better than a passionate educator! A dedicated teacher who sees each student and cares about him or her is much more important than someone who has all of the digital tools and none of the commitment to meet every child where they are".  Thank you!

On Ms. Hadley's blog post on "It's Time to Write!" she wants students to free write on whatever they feel like writing about.  She gives them forty minutes to do this and as they write she watches their body language and studies them.  She feels that she can learn about their strengths and weaknesses through this exercise.  I think that it is good for students to have to slow down and think about their feelings and write them down and put them into their own words without being persuaded by someone else.

C4K November Summary

Elizabeth is a student in Ms. Spencer's class in Alberta, Canada.

Hello Elizabeth,

My name is Amber and I am a student at The University of South Alabama in Mobile, Alabama, United States.  I am taking a college class and I was assigned to comment on your post.  I think it is great that your class is blogging!  I am sure the weather is much colder for y'all right now than it is for us.  Today it is 70 degrees and mostly sunny.  We lived about 20 minutes from Vancouver, Canada when my daughter was just a baby.  It was really pretty up there.  Keep up the good work and study hard.    

Kaylee Y.  is a fourth grader in Mr. Seliskar class in California.

Plant are the great living thing because they give us oxygen,food,and clothing. They ‘re some plant so small you cannot see it. Some plant so big you can see it as a bigger school. The plant share all the roots,stems,and leaves. Because each plant is very different and all the plant share roots,stems,and leaves to help the world to be green. The plant get energy and food. Because they need energy and food to grow big and pretty. They need is soil,water,and sunlight. The sunlight is called solar energy to the plant. They get gas by people all around earth. The gas is all around us is called a carbon dioxide. The plant get the carbon dioxide all around us by the tiny hole are called stomata. Some plant get water easy by the rivers because the roots is in the ground and the water in rivers go in the roots. The plant is very important because animals get the plant. Plant need photosynthesis because to survive and grow. Plant give off the oxygen into the air and when you breathe in air,your body get the oxygen it need for good. Plant can be found all around earth. An environment is everything that surrounds a living thing. For example that a plant can be all around earth but not all around because they need water,sunlight,nutrients,and carbon dioxide. Biomass is a measure of the amount of living thing in an environment. There are more plant in most environment than any other living thing.

My name is Amber and I am a college student at The University Of South Alabama in Mobile, Alabama.  I can tell from your post that you are learning a lot about plants.  I think that is great!  Plants are so beneficial to the world.  I really enjoyed leaning about plants.  My family and I plant a garden every year and it is so much fun.  Keep studying hard.

Isa Winkey

10 lies they tell u in high skool going to be fun

2. best time of your life 

3. your going to remenber it of the rest of your life 

4. making lots of friends is easy 

5. it's easy

6. everything is going to change 

7. dont do drug's

8. the school is drug free

9. you should pass all your class's 

10. you will not fail

High school along with everything else in life will have it's challenges, but do your best and things will work out just fine. From your list I would agree with "don't do drugs," "everything is going to change," and "your going to remember it for the rest of your life." Live life to the fullest and give your best at whatever you do. Study hard!

Blog Assignment #13

A Vision of Students Today

google images

This is a short video by Michael Wesch and the purpose is to show how current college students feel about college classes and expenses.  Classes are to big and professors do not know their students.  Expenses are outrageous and some classes are required to take, but are not useful towards their degree.  Text books are pricey and many professors do not even use them.  Many students do not want to be in the classroom because they feel that it is a waste of time and do not try hard.  As an educator, I want to be interesting and motivating to my students.

Back to the Future by Brian Crosby

Mr. Crosby teaches fourth, fifth, and sixth graders at Agnes Risley Elementary School in Sparks, Nevada.  Many of his students speak English as their second language.  His students have laptops and use blogs.  They do several hands on activities and post them on their blogs with pictures.  He also as a student that has to stay home because she has cancer and they use Skype with her to keep her involved with the class.  I think it is great that Mr. Crosby is able to teach so many objectives through one activity, I like the saying "killing two birds with one stone."  I think it is great how he motivates his students to want to learn!